Workshop: Corporate Strategy 2.0 (April 14th at La Cantine)

Continuing its mission of education and the spread of good social media practices, Social Media Club France is organizing a series of training workshops on social media and the problems companies face in using social media.

This workshop will give you the necessary skills to create an effective social media strategy, from recruitment and client loyalty to the development of a personal audience and how to monetize online content.

Major industry players Viadeo, Facebook and Paypal will use case studies and experience feedback to help you understand value creation tools for social networks and new lessons in communication, marketing, and e-business.

Target audience
Marketing managers, communication managers, directors of client relations, e-business/e-marketing directors, heads of web projects, anyone who regularly encounters social media problems in their daily activities and would like to learn how to build a coherent and efficient online strategy that suits their specific needs.

Register here

Social Media Club is partnering with three companies in the industry in order to be able to cover the value chain and a greater variety of topics:

>Viadeo: Community Organization

With: Frédéric Chancholle/ Responsable Développement Régions et Partenariats

How to make professional social networks a part of your company. Develop your company’s notoriety, optimize its e-reputation and assert its expertise, manage a community of clients or professionals. Focus on concrete cases and investment evaluation.

Facebook : Marketing on social networks

With : Xavier Leclerc / Account Executive, Facebook France

Xavier Leclerc nous expliquera comment optimiser l’impact et les revenus issus d’investissements marketing sur les réseaux sociaux. Comment développer des interactions pertinentes avec les utilisateurs des sites communautaires via une stratégie d' »engagement advertisement » ? Comment intégrer Facebook en tant que canal marketing pour se connecter et communiquer avec les 400 millions d’utilisateurs actifs de ce réseau social ?

>Paypal: Solutions of Payment and Monetization Dedicated to Social Networks

With: Amina Belghiti/ Responsable PayPal X Europe, Gimena Diaz/ Responsable Business Development, Cédric Ménager/ Directeur Commercial PayPal France

Monetization of the audience is one of the fundamental tools in developing staying power on the internet. Within the framework of its platform PayPal X, the workshop will go in depth into innovative economic models, web checkout and e-commerce, mPayment, monetization of content and will facilitate a shared reflection on the crossroads of money and ideas.

The day will be composed of three parts:

14h00-14h45: Introductory discussion led by Social Media Club
Welcome, introduction to the problems to be discussed, presentation of participants and of the program of the day

15h00-18h00: Workshops
Each partner (Viadeo, Paypal, Facebook) will lead a workshop on an issue which concerns them, as outlined above.

The three workshops will be run concurrently, repeated three times during the day (15h00-15h45, 16h00-16h45, 17h00-17h45). There will be 3 groups of 25 people maximum; the limited size assures the quality of the exchanges.

18h15-20h30: Closing lecture
Closing talks led by Laurent Dupin (co-founder of, consultant and instructor in new media), bringing together Xavier Leclerc (Facebook), Marc Jaugey (Head of Corporate Communication, Paypal) and Nicholas Vieuxloup (PR Director and Spokesman, Viadeo), who will discuss  future developments in the industry and the trends to come concerning Web 2.0.

The conference will be followed by a cocktail reception.

Price: 50€
(30€ if purchased before March 31)


Address: 151 rue Montmartre, Passage des Panoramas, 12 Galerie Montmartre, 75002 Paris

Media partners:

Silicon Sentier /Stragégies / Satellinet