Sommes-nous prêts à payer pour l'information en ligne ? – Pablo Javier Boczkowski

Dans la vidéo ci-dessous, Pablo Javier Boczkowski nous explique que nos nouvelles habitudes de lecture expliquent en partie notre faible propension à payer pour l’information en ligne. Le chercheur Américain demeure sceptique quant à la possibilité de monétiser le contenu d’information générale sur le web. Il considère les fournisseurs d’information de niche et les agences de presse comme les seuls acteurs capables de tirer des revenus du marché digital.

« My sense is that given most people are looking at home pages and headlines, they click and they read the lead and the first paragraph , and then a little bit of the rest, I think most of that content is commodity content. It’s content that you can find in many sources. You just happen to go to the site that you trust the most or the site that routinely you have gone to. So what that means is that I don’t think that for this mode of consumption there is a strong argument for the proposition that people will pay for the news. Because as long as someone is providing the same commodity content for free, people will migrate to those sites rather than pay, even if the site implementing a paywall is your favorite site, people will go elsewhere.
So I think, despite the positive implications that this could have for the economic sustainability of things, this being the implementation of pay models, I am highly skeptical that they would work for general interest sites. They can work for financial news because people make money out of getting that information. They could work for specialty niche content. But I doubt that they would work, these pay strategies, for generalist sites.
What’s going to pay for journalism? Advertisement and other sources of revenue
. Most likely the industry will continue shrinking in terms of the size of the labor market, and probably even the pay structure, compensation structure will probably deflate a little bit. And some of the big players will get bigger. I do think the wire services have tremendous growth opportunity at the moment, and that’s why you see all the movement in the wire services sector. CNN tried to monetize its internal wire offering for the public. The merger of Thompson-Reuters, etc. Because these organizations have enough resources, enough scale, to provide a wide variety of news items that can be quickly scanned by people in the workplace. »

(Source : Sustainable Journalism)

Pablo Javier Boczkowski nous fera l’honneur de sa présence mercredi prochain (16 juin) à La Cantine lors d’une conférence organisée par le SMC consacrée au marché de l’information en ligne. Il interviendra aux côtés de Franck Rebillard, Eric Dagiral, Jean-Samuel Beuscart et des chercheurs ayant contribué à la dernière livrée de la revue Réseaux, « Presse en ligne ».