Launching Social Media Club Marseille: June 27th at La Bo[a]te for the conference “Twitter, the next Pulitzer?”


It is our pleasure to announce that Social Media Club will be expanding to the city of Marseille, where we will host conferences that follow the same model that has guided the SMC chapter in Paris since its inception, three years ago (private conferences reserved for registered members, public conferences…) with a common goal: bring together social media professionals who use communal logical in the creation or execution of their initiatives, to share their experiences, and identify and spread good practices throughout the sector.

Thus SMC is taking on a new Mediterranean dimension by developing in an area that is very dynamic when it comes to using new technology. Sandra BarbierAntoine Guyon, Nicolas FournonMarin GarriguesRoch Giraud and Martine Sousse are the founding members of Social Media Club Marseille, which you can from now on follow on, on Twitter (@SMCMars) and on Facebook (SMC Marseille page).  For any more information, please do not hesitate to contact the team via email at: .

The first SMC Marseille conference will be Monday June 27, 2011 at La Bo[a]te – 35, rue de la Paix – 13001 Marseille, on the theme: Twitter, the next Pulitzer?


With concise news, news in real time, and news “bits”, social media pushes the limits of conventional rules of information.

The Arab judicial events this spring brought about a new setting of social media that is both exciting and troubling. What are its new uses? What do they mean? Are they really just an abandonment of the media hierarchy? What does CSA’s decision – to forbid television stations to cite “Facebook” and “Twitter” – tell us about social media?

Guest speakers: